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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Response after watching “Sometimes in April” movie

Keri Liza 10.1

Response after watching “Sometimes in April” movie
I've watched a movie called "Sometimes in April", it was about the Rwandan massacre. After I watched it, I wondered who the biggest killer was in the 20th century, as in who killed people at the highest speed. Turns out it was Stalin, who killed 7 million through forced starvation in Ukraine, 1933. Rwanda was in second place, with 800,000 deaths in 3 months. On the other hand, Rwanda seemed worse as each day turned ordinary citizens into bloodthirsty killers, quite literally overnight.
To me this was a great movie, especially because it relates to the human rights which could also help us to understand better about humanity.  In this movie I’ve seen Christians and Catholics who protected Tutsis. The scene that impressed me the most was when the Catholic schoolgirls all chose to die rather than betray their Tutsi friends. 
However, the civil war between Hutu and Tutsi involved many violations of the human rights that were denied as if it were pointless. First of all it was about the “right to life” as people were born equally. Rwandans were being discriminative based on their races. Especially for the community, who didn’t know anything about what was going on outside their world.  Even so, at that time Hutus or more precisely those involved with the Hutus extremists killed approximately 800.000 Rwandans.  This is actually a great movie to be shown to students because it helps us learn about human rights and obviously the genocide that violated human rights. Therefore, I’m sure that we understand how human rights have meaning and it does not exist when genocide is happening. This is sorrow, when you have really imagined and thought about people that are dead and struck by genocide. In the meanwhile you were really conscious and you noticed how most of the human rights were violated as these rights are believed to be justifiable to all people.  
The Tutsi community was just killed because of their races, and it violated the human right “don’t discriminate”. Although the common victims were Tutsis, the people who resisted Hutu extremists also got killed. (That was because several Tutsis had a grudge and wanted revenge, then killed them because Tutsi families got killed). Well, that was absolutely the Hutu extremists fault because they killed and slaughtered the Tutsi community that do not know anything. Hutu extremists also influenced other Hutus to kill, and these people have guns and sort of like swords. Tutsis can’t even say a word because when they do, they directly got shot and died in less than a second. Moreover, the worst part is when the Tutsi women were raped. 
So that was moral humanity, what people consider to violate moral laws, people regard as inhumane. In the case of a power struggle, many often trigger war. The reason why people find power so appealing is because it is not just a position, it is also about the influence.